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5 Simple Tips To Pay Off Debt Fast

5 Simple Tips To Pay Off Debt Fast

Do you feel like you’re never going to pay off your debt? No matter how hard you try, it seems like the balance never gets smaller? About two years ago, just my credit card debt totaled over $16,000! Even though I was paying more than the minimums, the total...
How To Budget For Unexpected Expenses

How To Budget For Unexpected Expenses

Budgets are incredibly useful, but it’s important to remember that while they look great on paper, they don’t always go according to plan. Sometimes things remain in our control: you have to exercise rigorous discipline to buy only the essentials at the...
12 Quick & Easy Lunch Ideas For Work

12 Quick & Easy Lunch Ideas For Work

Looking for lunch ideas to bring to work? A great way to save money is to bring your lunch and avoid eating out. You may not even realize how much you’re spending on lunch–just one lunch out (even fast food) probably runs you between $5 and $10. If you are...
10 Frugal Tips For The Bathroom

10 Frugal Tips For The Bathroom

Frugal living includes saving money in all areas of our homes. Here’s 10 tips to save money on items that you regularly purchase for the bathroom. 1. Use Less Pay attention to everything you are using in the bathroom-can you get by with a little less? Do you...
Think Smart to Save on Luxuries

Think Smart to Save on Luxuries

Trimming your budget usually means the first thing you do is cut down on luxuries, or things you can survive without. Eating at restaurants several times a day, brown bagging it instead of joining the gang at work when they go to lunch and cutting the cable cord are...