Drew Allen

How to Start Saving Money Now

How to Start Saving Money Now

It can be tough to save money.  By the time you pay the monthly bills, leave some for food and gas, not to mention keeping an emergency fund, while trying to save for your future, you are lucky if you are able to take care of all of them.  That leaves saving...
6 Ways Your Money Seems to Go Out the Window

6 Ways Your Money Seems to Go Out the Window

No matter what you do, it always seems like there isn’t enough money to get ahead.  By the time you pay the monthly bills such as the mortgage, car lease, utilities, not to mention having a grocery and gas budget, while trying to save for your future at...
Smart Ways to Help Improve Your Budget

Smart Ways to Help Improve Your Budget

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, well I guess the same can go when it comes to saving money.  The more you get used to having the money in your account and spending at will, the less likely you are to save and cut back on spending.  If...
Look Out for Money Mistakes You Could be Making

Look Out for Money Mistakes You Could be Making

Sure, we may think we are in control of our finances, but either you never know what life is going to throw at you, or there could always be improvements that we can make to minimize spending and maximize saving for the future.  Whether you are new to managing...
8 Purchases That Make Sense to Invest In

8 Purchases That Make Sense to Invest In

We do need to pay attention to every dollar that comes in, as well as goes out, in order to stay successful in handling the finances.  While saving money should be a top priority, sometimes you have to invest a little money for higher quality goods that can...
Credit Card Mistakes You Could Be Making

Credit Card Mistakes You Could Be Making

Believe it or not, having a credit card is a huge responsibility, and that responsibility only gets greater not only the higher the credit line gets, but also the higher the balance.  While there are plenty of pros to having a credit card such as financial...
Smart Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Smart Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

You always hear of people that run in to get a gallon of milk and a carton of eggs and come out an hour later, spending $150, and filling the trunk up with groceries.  I’ve done it myself many times.  Without a solid plan, the grocery store can be...